Sunday 28 December 2008

4th Shot

Got a special effects book has some gd stuff about particles etc got some rain in here but my comp aint gd enuf for a hardware render or i need to change the settings

Friday 26 December 2008

Thursday 25 December 2008


Done a bit more i feel the basic modelling is done so may move onto adding some detail in areas...

Monday 22 December 2008

A New Start

With that project over im using the Christmas time for a new project, whic is another environment from a company called splash, basicly you get a artist concept work and have to use less than 20000 triangles to create it. If you go lower you can add more objects etc.
They also want normal map screenshots, bumps, specual all that!
So that is mine so far...

Tuesday 16 December 2008

A Later Reflection

Not sure if Jared will see this in time.. if not it will be good for me in future projects...
So we had roughly 9 weeks for this project and i was looking forwward to it so much, it started for me in the summer drawing different themed cities but it was something about pirates/medieval hugly influenced by discworld that i liked this idea the most.
Working with the guys was great, we had an ambitious goal that nearly pulled off if we had more time this could have been an amazning short video.
Modelling; we all knew how to model from the 1st year this project allowed us to improve upon this and learn what is best, Alec came up with the idea of box modelling this allowed our texturing to become easier. We all had our own areas with key features that needed to be put in, what we did after them was up to each individual person, putting mundane objects like wagons,crates, chairs etc help give the sense of life or life had been in this city.
Lighting; alec created night using directional lights at first it was very purple we toned this down and created a more black feel, i played around with it looking at Open Season but didnt have the same effect. We then added glows on lamberts for windows and volume lights for lanterns.
Texturing; i invested some time into creating textures on photoshop, but we decided to use images already available on the internet as this would save time, placing the textures was a bit harder and for me at times guess work, but i think i pulled it off well.
Character; this frustrated me, but well done to Tom and Dan for doing the characters as we did need them, i think it was just a case of understanding the model and remembering how to animate but we did do a abit of a botch job on this and for show reels would have been nicer if we had good animation in our sequences instead of just pretty buildings.
Rendering; was a pain i kept getting flickering lights which upset me we didnt find out what the cause was for this, but we did get everything rendered and got an additional scene in.
Plan; funny this is at the end but we kind of just went with the flow thats how i work and it isnt always useful as you can stay in one part and forget the rest. Next project i will create a production chart so we have goals and aims for each day, week and month when needed.

So, thats the majority of the way we did stuff, a lott of information on this blog for readers and myself to digest, but its a great way of seeing how you progress in a project and will use this in future porojects already doing it for PPD. I would love to work with the guys again with a few additional people but yeah go Authentic i think we can all take a lot from this project and be pleased and be motivated for future projects that we are good and there is no limit in CGI just your brain saying no!

Friday 12 December 2008

Last Day sorry

Well im off to wales today which is a bit anoying as i miss the last day with the team i said my farewells and how pleased i was with the team and that it was an honour!
I left them with my scenes so hopefully today they will be able to place it all together and burn it on the dvd.
The rendering was a nightmare for me with flashing lights so night in to day but that hasnt stopped me or the team and i have faith that the others will adapt where needs be.
Im pleased also with the quality of our work and what we have achieved since September, i have learned so much from the other guys through simple stuff of naming in the outliner to effective mood lighting. Maybe in the next project though dont have so many lights!
I am pleased with my contribution to the project and im glad the others took on my idea of a medieval/pirate/tudor/post apocolyptic/locust/crib/western/cirus city, joke. But yeah the team had the same vision and it was like we were one with it. i do have to say i did get a bit attached to it and in the last few weeks especially days i was living breathing eating this project 24-7, but thats what you gota do i wouldnt change any of the project and i would work with the guys again, PPD anyone, whos got the file?

Thursday 11 December 2008

Animation Rendering

Ok so i had the task or animating scenes 4,5,6,14,15 and the end pan whilst the animation aint the best i am happy with what i achieved from them they are mostly basic walk cycles but u can understand he is walking. The different shots in more detail can be seen on the team blog.
Now that these are done Rendering, Yay!
Thats a whole other story... But at 8 in the morning at college i have time while stuff is rendering for the fourth time. Now the render farm is good it does make the process faster however getting a seconds worth of footage having lost lights some how our night scene turns into a day scene not what we need and with one day left i hope the farm is feeling good otherwise im not sure it will be done!!!
Pink for Good Luck

Wednesday 10 December 2008


Bit of lighting needs to be added

Friday 5 December 2008

Since yesterday

Ok so got to college at 8:30 this morning and didnt leave till gone 4, long day! it had its ups and downs, im not gona lie ther were times i just wanted to scream! With character models and corruption of files, closing down before saving. However i and the others powered on through like troopers and we are animating, i totally forgot how to do it but my scene is getting there.
I am doing the scene where the character is tying up his boat and walking in Toms scene, so far so good and im happy with how its going after the misery of this morning.
As we speak my computer at college is rendering an occlusion test of the whole town in 180degree walkthrough, its looking good for the portfolio!
Tom is doing the scene of the character walking up the stairs its looking good adding character to him, scared etc! Dan is rendering the first scene i think of the bell and boat, he was working on that today. Alec was just being his great self of helping us and then working on the crows nest scene, which is looking really good. he will be an animator, lol!
So yeah the day had ups and downs, but overall i am pleased with what i achieved, luckily the scene will be fairly dark so my animation wont look so good and the modelling is amazing so the wiewers will be looking at that!
Another essay, lol!

Thursday 4 December 2008

Almost forgot

Note to self....
Use alecs lamps for top, mine to be moved to Toms area!!!!
Love Si x

Reflection and Speculation (it rhymed 'future')

Ok, earlier post about not being able to render, i slept on it and the next day i was able 2, not just a small bit but the whole thing i cldnt believe it, so im very pleased.
Next point, Rob (Tom) Jones came in again this week and looked at our scenes he had a look at the hypergraphs and i think he was a bit appauled by the state of them! I didnt think to much of it and thought it was just ther, but i decided to make mine alot cleaner and group things like HouseMaster ObjectsMaster (screenshot will be provided tomorrow) to show this off, i also had the job of importing everyones scenes i did this and cleaned up ther hypergraphs and outliners. So now we have a file with everyones work in it (52000KB) is that big?) and it is really coming together now, the render can be seen on the Authentic page, it also my computers background image ^^
Next point, it was also my task to finish of the buildings in the background i enjoyed this as it was a simple task of duplicating existing buildings,which was made easy by clening the hypergraph! There are also some new buildings as well especially the ones at the back to give some depth to the town.
From now on, its about animating i have started to do animation again and im really not liking it, its a tough job i feel, but will give it my all. This will hopefully all be done by the latest of Tuesday giving us 3days to render and sort it out (i hope we have the time to make this project the best it can be)
It was nice to have a half day at college 9-4 ^^ but i am honestly thinking 24/7 about this project and what needs to be done whats been done, whos doing what, whats the next stage. I am so on the Ball, Bring on the last week!

Monday 1 December 2008

Hmmmmmmmmmm. Renders/screenshots

Sorry for the lack of images but for some reason i cant render anymore or like once a day, it comes up with the error of lack of memory, or sumthin like that which stops the render, i hope this isnt going to hinder us, coming to the near end of the project!

Thursday 27 November 2008

Animation!!! Whats That?

Ok ignore last post, i pressed enter by mistake and it put it on the blog, following on from the amazing video we did swinging our arms i too had a go at swinging the lanterns to give the effect of wind! oh do behave!

Animation!!! Whats that?

Noises Off, Life Drawing and Review... Oh texturing

Ok this has been a pretty hectic week for me, with events happening every evening for me, the highlight was going to the theatre and watching Noises Off its a simple concept hard to explain...
There are three acts;
1st is the dress rehearsal the night before the first day of their performance
2nd is the actual performance but we are watching it from behind the scenes
3rd is the actual play and how it all goes terribly wrong!
One of the funniest plays i have seen and really enjoyed it, it gave me ideas for additional projects and was good to see performers live as some things can always go wrong!
Life drawing yesterday was fun and relaxing i feel it was one of my best lessons as i felt free i wasnt getting graded on the work so i just went with it experimented and exagerated if it didnt work i waited for the next pose!
We also had a review with Jared thiss week, he seemed to be very pleased with what we had produced so far but highlighted key areas we need to work on...
Camera angles, People, animation and how the story is going to be understandable. We also agreed that the idea was developing to pirates and going away from the initial idea of medieval, eventhough this has happened all our research and thoughts still relate to this i feel.

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Mental Ray

Kind of the same image below but using mental ray i prefer the maya software but yeah!


Ok more of the good stuff, have started on the next building, its getting ther and looking rather good, still a lot to texture though :( but fun fun fun

Monday 24 November 2008

The House

Ok nearly finalised house once this one is done the other ones will be easy to texture, (i hope)! but yeah very pleased with it some variation will be in the oters textures for example. but yeah all is going well.


Sunday 23 November 2008


So yeah we decided to look at a story for our project Alec has done really well and had got the base down, we then had a meeting on Friday and spoke a bit more and Dan and I put some ideas out as well.
We decided on shots as well and how they will look best with the environment showing off details! When doing it i was thinking a lot abot the rules of composition and perspective thirds, arches, triangles to make the viewers eyes travel where we want them to!
Thanks Mike Hirsh
So back to the storyboard very pleased and glad it isnt just a fly through of the environment the story will do it justice and keep the viewer entertained with twists and secrets :)

Friday 21 November 2008

It might Actually be Possible

Yeah, some good stuff has come out this week, really enjoyed it! We finally have a story to our scene and am really pleased with it all. Texturing is coming along but have got frustrated along the way, but still learning from the internet.
We are still really working hard in order to get the most out of this project, we all know what we need to do and we are just getting on with it.
We had some good bonding today and ideas were coming out and changes but we were all excited by it, modelling is nearly done and we are looking at ways to reduce polygons and lighting.
We (Dan) has tested a 60 frame to the render farm worked kinda. He has a new way of representing cloth/wind in the project and we are all going to test it!

Thursday 20 November 2008


Ok over the past two days Robert has come in and taught us a lot about rendering and in layers compositing and just helping us with our queries! It seems like he has known us and our projects for more than just two days!
The work he showed us a gentlemans duel was a great short film and showed us that we can achieve high quality work!
Compositing is amazing i didnt realise what you could do with the different layers!
Actually being able to render an image is great and see all our work come together gives the team a boost and with texturing going well, we are all happy bunnies!

I Wana Go Home (Michael Buble)

Yeah so this is a picture of one of the homes, placed the texture and a bump map, pleased with it at the moment!

Need to look at the alpha channel or something, as you can see the black where i have removed tiles but yeah need to look in to it!

Wednesday 19 November 2008


Ok so im gonna finish all modelling by the end of this week, its gotta end, ther are more important things to be getting on with, with the time we have left!

Tuesday 18 November 2008


My first try at modelling a stone texture using just photoshop, im happy however will develop this!

Concept This!

Hey, as we changed the style of the buildings a did a cheeky sketch or two on the train!

I hope it inspires all...

Monday 17 November 2008

Website of Texturing Knowledges


This will be updated...

Texture This

Well took in my 3D world textures they looked good however Dan felt it was a bit like cheating and we wernt learning how to do them the work was done for us in a sense.
I kinda felt i needed a boost in the project constantly modelling houses gets a bit samey and i wasnt learning much. So, with a bit of joking (gentle persuasion) from Dan i have decided to really get involved with texturing and learn all about that.
Today i used photoshop seriously for the first time and with a tutorial online and a bit of help i was able to create a nice moss effect for bricks and maybe wood. The image will be up tomoz, however the stone didnt look to write, tonight i will be trying to find some websites that will aid me and the group with texturing.

Sunday 16 November 2008

3D World: Stone Textures

I have been kinda getting the 3D world magazine and one of them came with a cd with some stone textures, but they also come with epecular and bump maps already which is really good. I have my own ideas and think some of these textures would work really well for the big wall and the road, let me know what u think! Ok i think the files maybe 2 big or my comp is rubbish but i will try adding them if not i will show u on mondays

Friday 14 November 2008

Lighting those lampposts, gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Yeah so this is an image from some software callled maya, really easy to use, lol!

im kinda happy with this lghting could do woth sometweaking i fffffffffffffeel, but yeah!

Thursday 13 November 2008

Review Bop!

So far so good, is a phrase used a lot at the moment i fell, whilst its true the deadline is getting closer and ther is so much more i can see getting put in this project, which we wont have time for. I think this may be a project i continue to work on.

I see,
children runing in the street kicking a rock
i see old men cooking soup in a fire
i see men and women trying to selltheir goods, rotting fruit n veg
i hear men down alleys fighting about booze and woman
carts being pulled by men or horses
posh people throwing dirty water down the wall which goes in the slum are

the list can go on, but as long as our environment looks inhabital i will be pleased, i am already pleased as i have learnt so much from my fellow peers about lighting, easy ways to model, how to compromise with team mates, how to work in a team.

this week i have also learnt a bit about normal mapping then adding a diffuse correctly/incorrectly, u be the judge of that? but i think it looks good and its a good way to lower the polygons, also with this idea i think houses in the background will be done by using this technique about normal mapping as it does give the slight illusion of it being 3d, but will see how that goes tomorrow!

Tuesday 11 November 2008

Sewage pipe 2

Added diffuse... i think its correct im not to sure just playing around with maya and this, but still 1 face :)

Sewage Pipe

Ok found a tutorial of the internet about normal mapping which will decrease the amount of polygons by a load that sewage pipe on the right is over 1000 polygons one on the left is 1face, so it will help in rendering times but it needs work as we can see the light has a weird effect on it!

Friday 7 November 2008


Decided to search on the web about texturing as i dont know much about it and have found these websites that i am going to look at more in detail, later on.

Sketches of Barcelona

These sketches were done in Barcelona, some were in the streets, train, monestary and gaudis place. Some of them could be relevant to the project through the objects in them anmd the style i have done them which are a bit like the housing in our project!

Wednesday 5 November 2008

My Area So Far....

Ok this is an image of my work so far, i am pleased with it at the moment but still looks empty this week i will try an add a bit more character o it and make it look like people live here with objects left in the street like chairs, ladders, bins, benches, crates etc.

I really like the lighting, Alec helped alot with this especially the night light to give a dark purple feel to it.

The light at the bottom will need changing as it doesnt look right compared to the others.

But at the moment all is good, apart from the render times :s

Monday 3 November 2008

Light Deux

Oh yes, Oh yes... what you been waiting for another proto...

Light Test

Ok today Alec, Dan and myself played around with lighting in the houses and have come up with this so far, i like the orange feel and glow to it, if we are to go with this type of lighting it will need tweaking and more understanding on lighting is needed but for now it is a good prototype!

Friday 31 October 2008


Well decided to look on the web for some inspiration on google and as always it refers to wikipedia so started of their on this page;
When scrolling down saw this little bit and thought it would be useful for alec and I as we are doing the buildings;
Tudor style buildings have six distinctive features -
Steeply pitched roof
Prominent cross
Tall, narrow windows
Small window panes
chimneys, often topped with decorative chimney pots
It also had a link to Tudorbethan Architecture which is a 20th Century style of it, their are some houses near mine so may have a lokk at them take a few photos and sketches! That link is
Cant seem to find many artists around this time that drew these houses but will look into it for mean time here are some images i found guessing these are mostly around the 20th Century;

Hello! Prague Baby!

Barcelona (Finally)

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Gamer Expo and where are those pictures?!

Well, didnt have time to put pictures on, been a bit busy or lazy one of the two but will definatly put them up tomorrow!
Today went to the gamer expo up London really enjoyed it got to the quarter finals in the FarCry competition not bad considering hadnt played it before. Also got alot of inforation from people in the industry especially Rare :) woot woot! But it also allowed me to look at some games in depth and was pleased to see that a lot of objects like buildings were mainly square and just had great textures on, it was good to see this as it means our models dont have to have loads of polygons as long as we get the textures and bump maps right. But yeah good day will be looking out for more like this as it allowed me to see what was coming in the near future!!!

Tuesday 28 October 2008

So yeah these are some new images to show people. The steps have been shown before however descussing it with the fellow team we decided to spice up the steps by adding more variation, i did this by using the sculpt geomatry tool and smoothing etc the steps (individually yes) but didnt take to long and i think they look better than what they were.
The Sewage pipe i think will look gd with some nice texture on the wall of stains and with a bit of rust wil look good.
The house i am very pleased with Alec suggested the lasso round it to give it a bendy look, which works well and takes it away from a realistic view, i prefer this way and gives the building more character i just hope texturing it wont be a nightmare! :s

Formative Assessment

Today we had our formative, it went well i felt and we wher able to hear how each of us felt and how we were working as a group and the majority of it was positive, maybe we were being to nice to one another :)
I was told that more evaluation and primary research (there was probably more but until i get the copy that is what i can remember) was needed to be shown so i will be putting up the pictures first thing tomorrow, but for the mean time i have some more images of the work i have done in maya. The housing was done from images on the internet and some concepts i had done, Alecs suggestion of bending the houses gives a nice touch to the buildings and i think it is successful.


Well last year i modelled a Cannon, got the image from wiki and i think it may work in the scene! Also shows the wagon im working on. Stupid nCloth is anoying me though, but hey early days still so not to worried yet!

Maya so Far......

So, this is what i have done so far really, quite pleased with it. Im now going to start on the top area where all the houses are, also thinking of having some buildings like pubs, armories etc.

Would like quite a few areas like this in the scene as it adds questions in the viewers head about what are down these alleys, or it would to me :)

Monday 27 October 2008

2nd Week

This was mostly spent in Barcelona looking at the city of course and nothing to do with the night life their, lol! It was a great holiday though and the city lived up to expectations we went to various places and each where amazing. The monestry was probably the highlight for me with huge views and breathtaking scenery up their. It was a shame i didnt get to the top to see it all. Throughout the holiday i took pictures and drew in the sketchbook provided which will be valuable resources in projects to come.
When coming back it was good to see that the two other team mates had been cracking on with work and had made made progress which gave me motivation to carry on working with my part.
The four of us have our own quarter to work on in maya as this will allow us to all learn different aspects of maya and also teach one another by showing how we did different things on maya so they can put it in to there own work as well.

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Gustaf Tenggren

Hey, was just looking at 'The Illusion of Life' and thers some great concept work in there for Pinnochio, the title is one of the artists who worked on it, i think it looks good and could inspire some of the objects and buildings in our work. Or mine at least if you guys dont think so! This is just one of the images i had found, but ther are more in the book!

Wednesday 15 October 2008


Hey guys did this Lamp this morning, quite pleased with it it using Sub-Divs and all that, let me know what you think with some fine tuning and good texture i reckon it will be good!
The finished one is on the main team blog!!!

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Fire Tutorial I did from the Internet

The fire tutorial i did from a website on the internet pretty sweet i think, thanks Aziz Khan! Will be useful for our project i think!

Monday 13 October 2008

idea im thinking off for a cheeky idea

1st Week

So the first week is over and on to the second, i am pleased that my fellow team members where happy with my idea, i had been looking forward to this project since i started the course as i want to be able to create realistic environments that gamers will want to explore and be curious whats around the corner, the drawins below are a good initial start, but i want their to be more corners, stairs and alleys that a player could get lost in. I see the game as an MMO players can interact with one another and show eachother secret areas or quests. The style is like Fable 2 and the art of Discworld! The team are worried about a story however i feel that if its a game you just need to see character interacting with the environment, but we will talk about it this week.

Friday 10 October 2008

Another image i have done recently looking more at the detail of a fruit market that will be in the poor area of the town, which i will start to model in maya! Some changes may be needed as well not to sure how to use cloth and texture ^^